How to Remove Wallpaper From Plaster Wall – DIY

Wallpaper is a great way to decorate your walls, but it can be tricky to remove. It’s especially difficult on plaster which has been damaged or made brittle by water. But there are ways of removing wallpaper from plaster that make the process much easier and more successful.
Starch Method

This is one of the easiest ways to remove wallpaper from plaster walls. You will have to apply a generous amount of starch on the wallpaper before covering it with newspaper and then paste it with a trowel. It will take about a week for the paper to dry out and you can then peel it off to reveal new plaster underneath. Another option, if you’re worried about applying too much starch, is to use wheatpaste instead of white. This will also work as long as you wait until the wallpaper Singapore has been wet for at least three hours before applying the wheatpaste.
Incoming Water Method
This method is quite similar to the starch method where you should again cover the wallpaper with newspapers before using your trowel to apply the glue. But in this case, you should add just a little water into the paste before applying it. Wait until the wallpaper has had time to fully absorb some of the moisture and then apply more glue with your trowel. After about three hours you can begin peeling off the wallpaper.
Use Heat Guns Or Hair Dryers
Heat guns and hair dryers are both great tools for removing wallpaper from plaster. The heat will loosen the glue and make it easier for you to peel off the wallpaper. Start by using your heat gun or hair dryer about an inch away from the surface of the wall, just enough to create a slight bit of puffiness. Move inwards towards the center of the textured area, but don’t go too far in or else you risk damaging the wall’s surface. Once you have done this, use a putty knife or scraper with a firm blade to gently scrape off some of the paper.
The information in this article may be helpful if you are looking for a quick and easy way to remove wallpaper from plaster. The materials needed are inexpensive or can even be found around your house, like newspaper. You just have to know which technique will work best depending on the condition of the wall plaster that is old and brittle or has had water damage. There is no need to worry about damaging the walls as long as you use these techniques with care!