How to Pick out Headphones

One of the most commonly ask question by music- lovers would be “what are the best eadphones for me”, but the answer will differ with each person. What amount they’re willing to spend and what kind of music they listen to usually play a big factor in this. Hopefully by the end of this you’ll know exactly what your looking for.
I’m personally a huge bass- addict and can’t listen to any song without the thumping of the bass in the background. The only problem is that all companies that produce headphones are always claiming that their bass is amazing which is quite frankly usually a lie. While mst companies “stretch” the truth others don’t. Trustworthy companies include (but aren’t limited to) Sennheiser, Audio Technica, Sony and Xone. If your looking for something durable and crisp- sounding you should be willing to spend around a $100 but f you shop around (ebay, amazon, etc) I’m sure you could find a much better price. I’d recomend the Audio Technica ATH- M50 and the Xone XD- 53, these headphones are anesthetically appealing, sound amazing and allow people around you to know you really care about your music and it’s sound quality.

If your into rock, pop or even metal you might want to look for headphones with good highs and mids because bass is less relevant here. In this case your lucky because less bass usually means a huge price drop. Good rock headphones can start as low as $10 (look into anything JVC) but usually start to increase in quality at about about $30 (look into anything Sony).
If you like to listen to all kinds of music and you have a lot of money to spend i would highly recommend the Sennheiser HD800 (but since they cost about $1600 I don’t expect many people to buy these) which are the best headphones on the market and sound like your standing between 2 concert speakers. Usually the more expensive Bose is pretty good (the only problem being that their very expensive) and will satisfy any music lover, look at more info.
The last bit of advice I have is to never buy Beats by Dr. Dre. I know a lot of people love them but in reality all your paying for is Dr. Dre’s name and nothing more. If you have $300 kicking around which you were thinking of using to buy Beats, do yourself a favor and reconsider. For that much money you could buy 2 pairs od headphones that are ten times better than the Beats (again i recommend the Audio Technica ones or most of Sennheiser’s headphones).