Best for Muscle Growth

The best for muscle growth are the big movements like the deadlift. The quickest way to build muscle mass is to move big weights in multi joint movements like the squat. The fast way to muscle growth is monster makers like the bench press. I know you have heard this before. And you think they are boring. How about changing the exercises but still stay with the same movements. Because we know that big exercises and big weights equal big muscles.
The good morning exercise. Mr. Universe Bruce Randall did 475 pounds for reps and 600 lbs for singles. It is one of Bill Star’s favorite exercises. And Lou Simmons thinks it has to be in any strength training routine. Enough said. The good morning will train every muscle in the body that you use in the deadlift and the squat. It works the hamstrings, glutes, abs and obliques, lower back, mid back and the traps. If you are wanting one exercise that will work the posterior chain, the muscle that give you the power look, this it. The good morning will hit the hamstrings, glutes and the lower back for a big squat. The good morning will hit lower and mid back for a big deadlift. You gat to move big weights on a big exercises. That means big, thick, and dense muscle mass fast.

The set up for the good morning is the same as the squat. Take a barbell and put it across your shoulders just like you are going to squat. With the feet shoulder width apart, just bend over at the waist until parallel to the ground and then come back up. That is one rep. Now you can perform these with the knees locked or unlocked, back flat or rounded, heavy or light, high reps or low reps, standing or sitting. You can perform them anyway you like just be mindfull of what is going on with your body while doing them.
This exercise will work the whole core from the front to the back. The lower back, hips, obliques, and the front abs. And with the hamstrings and the mid back getting involved why would not use this exercises more often. The good morning exercise is just one of the many exercises that are the best for muscle growth. Basic exercises. The quickest way to build muscle mass is with big weights and you will move big weights with the good morning.