Author: Judith Lewis

Your Guide to Buying a Car on Craigslist

Your Guide to Buying a Car on Craigslist

In the past two months I have bought two cars with the use of Craigslist, and although it can be a long tedious process it is well worth the reward. Both of the cars have been from the owner and not a dealership, because buying from an owner it is easier to talk them down…
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How do you Focus your Monocular

How do you Focus your Monocular?

Monocular works like a small telescope, making you get a clear view of the objects far away or smaller. Monoculars prove they are better in some cases because they are lightweight and easy to hold than binoculars. But forgetting the required results is not enough to have a good quality monocular.  The monocular focus also…
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What is a Monocular Depth Cue?

What is a Monocular Depth Cue?

What do you understand about monocular depth cues? These cues are the information in the eye’s retinal images, which provide information about distance and depth. Such cues work in both eyes, but you will not feel any difference when using these monocular cues with your one eye. You can see that you will not see…
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How do I Pick the Right Hotel for my Trip

How do I Pick the Right Hotel for my Trip?

Nowadays everyone goes on a vacation trip on their holiday and they want to fully enjoy it. In that situation, they need such a flexible hotel room for their other activities. Finding it is the toughest one because if it has so many problems like hotel rent, food so and so. So, you have to…
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How To Test Earphones

How to Test Earphones?

To test or evaluate the earphone quality using the audio. Play multiple tracks and different quality audio from a mobile phone. Before that connect your earphone with your device. Play continuously to check the strength and weakness of the earphones. Songs were played in the mixed-mode which you create with the different track. Note down…
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How Often Should I Drink Green Tea For Weight Loss

How Often Should I Drink Green Tea For Weight Loss?

Tea is one of the best snacks for every people and no one can start their day without having a cup of tea. There are a lot of health benefits to drinking tea. When it comes to losing weight then tea will play a major role. Especially, it is preferred to drink green tea for…
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What is the Best Way to Protect Your Car Paint

What is the Best Way to Protect Your Car Paint?

The car paint protection is important for protecting the car from defects as dust, raining, scratches and other natural or else environmental things. The car paint protection is the thing available all over the place where people can do car paint protection for the newly owned car. The car paint protection is the paint over…
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What is 3D Cad Software

What is 3D Cad Software?

The three-dimensional design technology of drafting the design for technical documentation is an awesome experience in cad. It is a computer-aided design. This is also related to the automation process. It is the computing solution for making the solid three dimensional models.  This software is the world’s most versatile three-dimensional models. These software models can be…
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What Is The Safe Reasonable Rate For Weight Loss

What Is The Safe Reasonable Rate For Weight Loss?

Healthy or natural weight loss is good for trying by anyone. Natural weight loss is the best idea to lose it very quickly without any side effects. It does not need any cost for getting a beneficial weight loss treatment. Healthy weight loss is not just maintaining diet, it is the task of having healthy…
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The Early Chemistry of Peptides, Purines, and Sugars

The Early Chemistry of Peptides, Purines, and Sugars

Hermann Fischer discovered the peptide bond and won the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1902 for groundbreaking work on the structure and properties of purines and sugars. Hermann Fischer was born in 1852 at Euskirchen in Germany. Emil’s father reputedly thought him too stupid to be a business man, so sent him to Bonn University…
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